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In Flux: Call for Participants – Imaginary Homelands with Kirsten Leenaars

6018North seeks participants to be in an interactive documentary project with artist Kirsten Leenaars.

Participants will be part of a recorded event wherein Leenaars asks individuals:
“Can you describe your own face from memory?” This will be the first question in a longer shared conversation about community, belonging and family histories.

Sign up to participate here:

Imaginary Homelands is a new documentary project by artist Kirsten Leenaars structured as a series of video portraits across the US and traces stories of belonging and loneliness. What does it mean to be a citizen? What does community mean to you? Notions of identity, belonging and familial histories are uncovered through this project. Each individual interview will start with the question: can you describe your face from memory?

These video portraits will be shared with each participant and posted online as part of the Imaginary Homelands project.

Paw Boe, video still, 2017 – photo credit Ellie Hall

Paw Boe, video still, 2017 – photo credit Ellie Hall