Sanctuary Sessions

Thoughts & Actions during COVID-19

We hope that you, your loved ones, friends, and neighbors are staying safe and healthy during this unprecedented, universal virus. We hope that all who are suffering - whether near or distant - recover quickly and completely. Those staying at home, and those working in the front lines, thank you for doing this for others. We are a we. In this time of uncertainty, anxiety, and suffering, we each are affected differently. To guide us, we have reached out to a group of amazing artists to spatially not socially distance.


Past Events and Sanctuary Sessions Recordings

Self-Care Strategies for Creatives in Quarantine

April 22, 2020

This workshop acknowledges the anxiety, fear, and grief due to COVID-19. Together we work to ground ourselves and envision what comes next. Facilitated by Rhonda Wheatley.

A Guide to Mental Health for Artists

April 29, 2020

By understanding our physiological responses, we can learn to manage our responses in this unsettling time. This workshop’s combination of neuropsychology and mindfulness can help mitigate the stress on our bodies and minds. Facilitated by Alice Berry.

Self-Care Strategies for Creatives in Quarantine

May 6, 2020

This workshop acknowledges the anxiety, fear, and grief due to COVID-19. Together we work to ground ourselves and envision what comes next. Facilitated by Rhonda Wheatley.

Collective Crystal Seeing

May 13, 2020

As a group, we employs quartz crystals to see the internal light, known as scrying, to offer a positive, constructive way to see through COVID-19 as a group. Facilitated by Dana Major.

Self-Care Strategies for Creatives in Quarantine

May 20, 2020

This workshop acknowledges the anxiety, fear, and grief due to COVID-19. Together we work to ground ourselves and envision what comes next. Facilitated by Rhonda Wheatley.

Collective Crystal Seeing

June 3, 2020

This week, we are collectively seeing and responding to police violence, murders, and racial injustice, made more visible through networked media. Many of us are asking, what can I now do as an individual? What can we now do as a community? We tune our energies to becoming more receptive to seeing others, ourselves, and finding ways to be of maximum service in this time of great need. Facilitated by Dana Major.

Grow Your Own Native and Heirloom Plants

June 6, 2020 

Planting the seeds. Melissa Potter with the Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project will teach how to grow a garden at home, planting your own native and heirloom garden. 

Artist Statements

June 10, 2020

What are you planting?  Figure out who you are and what you want your work to be. Are you doing it? If not let’s get it together! 6018North founder Tricia Van Eck will work with you to help you rewrite your artist statement to best reflect who you are, what your work is, what you have come to do here on this planet, and how you want to bring it forth for all to see. 

Project Management with Renee Patten

June 24, 2020

Managing your garden. Learn the basics of project management so we can grow our garden. This workshop is to build skills and acquire resources to manage projects successfully from beginning to end. What is a project you want to do and have not started yet? Whether you are new or experienced in project management, you'll be able to walk away with takeaways to start or improve projects. Download materials here.

Prioritizing Time Management with Karyn Taeyaerts

July 1, 2020

How to decide what to plant? There's only so many hours in the day and growing your art takes all of them – and more. So, how can you find more time in your day? More time to do what really matters. Step one is to get laser-focused on priorities, and then – with that clarity – use some proven tactics to stay moving forward efficiently and effectively.

Self-Care Strategies for Creatives in Quarantine: Journaling with Rhonda Wheatley

August 12, 2020

Join artist, writer, and healer Rhonda Wheatley to discover how journaling can positively impact your life. Our worlds have significantly shifted since our last Sanctuary Sessions. As we navigate through, we invite you to join these additional Sanctuary Session focused on individual and collective restoration with words. Together we will dive deep into our healing as we explore change through journaling.

Uncertainty with Alice Berry

August 19, 2020

By understanding our physiological responses, we can learn to manage our responses in this unsettling time. This workshop’s combination of neuropsychology and mindfulness can help mitigate the stress on our bodies and minds as a result of prolonged uncertainty. Facilitated by Alice Berry.

Self-Care Strategies for Creatives in Quarantine: Journaling with Rhonda Wheatley

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Our online self-care workshops return this August with Rhonda Wheatley. Sign up and join us for the next session focusing on journaling to help us navigate uncertainty.

Restorative Guided Meditation with Tiffany Mitchenor

September 2, 2020

Join Tiffany Mitchenor for restorative guided meditation! Tiffany is an everyday activist, facilitator of healing, and a nature enthusiast. Her teaching style is gentle, inviting, and created through a trauma informed lens. Tiffany is committed to being a lifelong learner, leading by example, and holding space for communities and individuals in need.