The Transformative Power of Art: Change Comes From Within
What is transformation? Is it changing the world or changing how we view the world? This event pairs three unique transformational experiences. Timed during Chicago Artists Month, this event is for artists to nurture themselves, since many of CAM events involve artists giving to others. While artists are often called on to create group or societal transformations, this event offers unique ways of experiencing transformation together.
Gift Circle with Lara Oppenheimer and Maureen Walrath
What is a gift circle? A gift circle is a simple from of gift economy – the original economy, the family economy, the tribal economy — a shared economy. In a gift circle, you ask for what you need and you offer from your abundance. You express a need — every need is acceptable — to the group with no expectation of it being fulfilled. Then the circle goes around again and you offer a gift, something you would like to share with no expectation of it being accepted. A wide range of things have been shared: a bag of pears, an external hard drive, an Indian dinner delivered to your door, editing skills, conversation in Arabic, French, Italian & Spanish, studio visits, research help (from a librarian), etc., etc. Afterwards, people check in with the folks whose gifts/needs/wishes spoke to them and schedule exchanges.
Lumetype One on One with Caro D’Offay and Laura Gilmore
What is Lumetype? Lumetype is a process that transforms objects into a light source through phosphorescent paint and photographic paper. Each person is invited to use their hands to illuminate photo-paper, which is then developed using photographic chemicals. Unlike photography, the phosphorescent paint reveals the wave/particle duality of light, scattering and revealing depths. This individual Lumetype of your hand potentially reveals how light works dualistically, but how the world may also be working and revealing itself — both logically and creatively — at this moment in your hand.
Frames and Perception with Alice Berry
Frames and Perceptions is a group engagement in a therapeutic experience. If art is an agreement between an artist and an observer, group therapy is a similar pact between participants to experience together. This shared moment — an hour long client-centered therapeutic session for the group — explores the connections between perception and therapy; and art and experience. Following the Gift Circle, Frames and Perceptions offers a therapeutic space to meditate together upon the issues and concerns that often accompany the acts of giving and receiving.